Monday, 10 February 2014

Responsive / Collaborative / Initial Ideas

6 / 2 / 14

When deciding which brief we should take part in considering the collaborative part of this module, we started to discuss the possible in which we could approach the Bears cereal brief. Initially we were a little put off by the fact that we were being restricted to the aesthetics of the brand and that we only had the back of the box to work with. After looking at possibilities for this we started to think how we could over come this restriction and how we could try and make the cereal back into something physical and how it could have a practical and lasting purpose.

I started to look at existing cereal box games, and related crafts (All shown on my context Blog).

Because the Bear cereal is based on an animal, Sarah and I thought it would be a good idea to base our concept on animals. This way the ethos could be enhanced into a wildlife feel were kids learn new and interesting facts about different animals and try to do this through letterforms.

W thought originally that we could use animals that children are more familiar with and can relate to. Animals that are common pets such as cats a dogs may be a fun basis to give kids fun facts and help them find out more about these animals and there for gain a knew understanding and appreciation for the animals they know. Kids will be able to relate more to the information given.

On the other hand, we could incorporate animals that children are not so familiar with and don't really come into contact with in everyday life. This may make the content more exciting and intriguing to the younger audience.

We also discussed ways in with the characters that we come up with could be collected to give the concept of this selection of cereal boxes more depth and have the subject stretch further than the breakfast table. Having something that is collectable means kids can play and learn together. We were also thinking about perhaps having information cards that could be part of the content of the box, and these could be collected and parents or friends can test each other on the knowledge they have gained from interacting with the information that comes with the cereal box.

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