Thursday 21 November 2013

Lino cutting / Ideas / Testing

15 / 11 / 13

I already knew what I wanted to achieve with the lino cut process as I had the idea a while ago.
I wanted to create a stamp that was hand cut and one the would be laser cut to show a comparison on the prints.

 I was looking at whether to use a script like font or not, in the end I feel that the sans serif type looked more straight forward and easy to read.

 I printed this out, transferred it to the lino slab and cut it out using some tools I had purchased online.

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I went to the laser cutter and etched another slab of lino the same design as I had cut out by hand. I then sarted to test out how these looked taking images along the way that could be used for my book.

I tried to make it looks though in was being applied.

Showing the press from a birds eye view.

 i couldn't get a shot of the press from above.
I really like the lighter ink on the darker stock and thin its a good idea to show something like this as a lighter ink on a darker stock cannot be achieved through digital.

I wanted to also display how beneficial lino cutting is when working with more illustrative designs so I came up with a more illustrative design and cut it out ready to print.

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