Sunday 1 December 2013

Design for Print / Box & Belly band

1 / 12 / 13

I wanted to try and make a box that I had not made before so I ant to the library to do a little research on possibilities.
Though the research, this is the box I chose.

To understand the mechanics of the box net i have chosen I created a miniature version as a mock up.

 A you can see the mod up worked very well. This made me excited to make this box for real. i really like the way the flaps at the top give the sense of a reveal.

Because my book is going to measure 16cm by 21.5 cm, I have decided that having a 2 cm perimeter around the book while it is set in the box as this will give enough space to take the book out. I created the mock up about 3cm smaller in perspective.

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To make my actual box I bought some greybeard and book a last cutting lot to cut out the net.
When i got home and started to fold the box I hit a rather big problem.
Perhaps stupidly, I did not comprehend the thickness of this material and once i attempted to fold it, its snapped.

This effect is not acceptable for presentation and is something i am going to have to work around and figure out.

*  *  *  *

The day after I went back to the laser cutter and decided to cut out the net again however this time from white card. Because there were no alliterative card that were the colour I wanted,  I bought quite a lot of sugar paper from the library and started to cover this card cut out.

 I covered every edge of the net and then sandwiched this with two more pieces of sugar paper.
This gave the impression of card.

Even though I would have preferred to had original stock, i think that this alternative has worked well considering and the box opens and closes very well.

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This is the belly band i am going to print with silver and gold foil so i can then decide which one I prefer.

I prepared a screen to foil 

Even though i do really like the gold foil however I think the gold would not go as well as the silver does with the beige coloured stock on the box as gold seems a little close.

Im very happy with the outcome I have achieved. I think the simplicity enhances not only the foil print but also the box and the way that it opens.

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