Friday 13 December 2013

Design for print / Last Crit

12 / 12 / 13

I presented my new, re-difined concept, ideas and mockups for this crit in hopes of gaining feedback on what others felt about the product as well as any other possible ideas and tips.
We were asked to write down a questions we wanted the people critiquing us to answer about our projects. 

The only thing I thought I was having trouble with determining was the colour scheme to which I should package and present my finished product.

My question was:
- What colour schemes do you feel would be the most appropriate for my product?

I felt that by asking this, someone might think about possibilities that i had not.

From the feed back that I gained from others, I feel a lot more solid in the concept of my book due to the fact that they all understood the ethos behind it. I gained praise on my experiments, inpparticular my old illustrative flock ad foil things which made me think of adapting my logo to look a little more like this.

Regarding my question, I did not really get that much feed back on this as they had mistaken my test piece as reference to my own preferred colour scheme. One comment i got suggested using warm colours or maybe colours that re-ocurr around collage.

Know I feel more confident on my book and it content, Now I just have to get on in making it.

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