Wednesday 11 December 2013

Design for web / Last Crit

10 / 12 / 13

For this crit i created 3 design bards showing aesthetics design decitions i have made in order to gain direction and opinions from my peers.

These boards indicated colours scheme, typeface choices, patterns and layouts.
because i have struggling to come up with a suitable logo I decided to include several of my preferred designs to see what others thought of them. I also supplied reference to the existing and older logos that the company have used in the past so as to guide to what kind of aesthetics are integral to business and their products.

As well as design boards I set up my computer so my peers could visualise and use the navigations i have put in place to see what there reactions were considering ease and understanding as well as thought on the appearance and style.

My questions were:
Do you think there is a need for a landing page?
Do you think the logos i have created are integral to the feel of the business or do you feel I should revert back to the older style?

From the notes I reined shown above, it was clear that everyone regarded the landing page idea pretty useless and suggested that I have navigation to each page situated on the first page instead.

It was also recommended that I perhaps try to stick with more photographic images. Because my products page works sue well with the images of the confectionary, the rest of my site should follow suit.
The digital vector icons on the home page looked out of place.

Evene though i gained praise of my logo. it was suggested that I try and stick to the more traditional aesthetics shown in the old Haci Bekir logos.

Overall i feel that i have gained a good deal of feedback. 
Keeping my images photographic seems to make so much sense even though I had not really thought about it before so this is something I will heed.
In regards to colour schemes, layouts and type my peers seemed to think that what I had worked well which I was pleased to hear.

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