Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Print & Web / ISTD Brief selection / Initial thoughts

14 / 12 / 13

For the first session considering the Print and Web brief we were asked to look in to supplied briefs from previous ISTD competitions dating back to 2009, 2010 and 2011. From these we were asked to pick three of the briefs from any year to which we would be interested in completing.

After looking through all of the briefs these are the ones I felt I would be the most interested in looking into further.
Through the session we were sued to pick out words from each of the briefs that we felt were integral to the brief and which set the foundation for us then to build on.

- Benchmark
- Special 
- Significance 
- Innovative
- Intrigues 
- Inform

- Botanical
- Eye catching
- Informative
- Garden
- Colour

- Innovative
- Appealing
- Occasion
- Typographic 
- Food 

Through discussion within the group it was realised that all of the briefs chosen supplied very brief and vague descriptions on what was actually wanted from the designer. A lot of the same words have been used in the different briefs making it hard to determine what the out come needs to be.
We were asked to choose a brief form the three originally picked out and then re-right the brief on consideration to what we feel could and should be achieved through it.

I decided to choose the '100' brief.
Through discussion with the group I came up with a few initial ideas for possible directions for me to take this project in.

- 100 things 
possible collections of objects and things familiar with everyone. For example 100 jars, this could consist of loads of different jar shapes used for multiple things.
I could have 100 different pets. This would show animals, insects, birds and reptiles that are possible pets.
100 first world problems, This would be something that would draw attention to the fact that many people in the first world complain about things that are incredibly insignificant making them blind to how lucky they actually are.

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After the session I had time to reflect on y possible approaches and realised that the original brief was more targeted to the celebration of the number 100 rather than what makes up the number.

I started to look at possible establishments that would be soon reaching a 100 year anniversary. This would give me a possible subject to celebrate.

I found out that 2014 would mark the break out of the First World War.

In August 2014 the world will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.

Due to the somber nature of this subject, I feel that focussing on this in a celebratory way would not be fitting. I also think that this would be a hard and depressing thing to target which is not what I feel the original brief was describing and asking for.

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The popular form of Disney entertainment 'Disney on ice' will be celebrating 100 years in 2014.

Im not sure that I would enjoy basing a project on Disney as it is something i am not overly familiar with or interested in. There is already a lot of attention being drawn to this occasion as the company is Massive all over the world so I would feel that anything I would create would not be substantial enough to make an impact.

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The famous and very popular car manufacturer Maserati are due to celebrate there 100 year anniversary in 2014.

It is obvious to me that Maserati already have a lot of preparation for the anniversary celebration an I actually really like what they have done with the specialised webpage. the aesthetics and navigation of the webpage work very well and the visuals are very integral to the company.

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