Monday 20 January 2014

Product, Range & Distribution / Research Ideas

20 / 1 / 14

During research for the Summer brief, I had researched into the Turkish city of Istanbul and found it very interesting. I feel that I had culminated a lot if information that i feel has a lot of potential. Because of this I feel that I should utilise this and push further into the subject.

 The history of the city is really interesting and I really like that the results of major events in the cities history are what make up the aesthetic and landscapes that exist there to this day.
I feel that because this is a very different culture through out this city from one that I have been brought up in, I find the environment interesting and because, as of recent, this city has become a little more westernised, I find it easy to relate to the city and feel comfortable with in the city which intern makes it inviting and intriguing.

In my Summer brief i had looked into the history of the city, but for this research task i want to look more into the the architecture, art, aesthetics, influences and the different attractions.

I have always loved the art used with in the islamic culture, and while in Istanbul, this is wereI have been the most exposed to it all wither it be in pottery, paintings, tapestries or architecture. 

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