Wednesday, 15 January 2014

End of Module Evaluation


.     1).  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Regarding the print based briefs I feel that I have gained so much more knowledge which, in turn has given me a lot more confidence when going about printing my work and knowing what I need to do to get the best results. This has effected my work in a very positive way and I feel like I have a lot more options when thinking about resolutions.

Even though I have gained knowledge on the web side of this module as I have been introduced to new software, I don’t feel I have made as much progress with it as I would have liked.
I have applied my skills the best I could with the knowledge and experience I had, however I am not happy with the coding I accomplished in my webpage.
Even though I am not very confident with the software I have a lot more of an appreciation on how Graphic design is applied to the screen and I did enjoy that process of designing with consideration of layout and navigation techniques.

1.     2).  What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Regarding web I feel I have been able to develop skills regarding the consideration of layout and navigation as it is something that is completely new to me, so I have gained knowledge and appreciation for these methods of work which in turn have reflected on the work I have tried to produced.

I have used and developed multiple print methods and productions which have helped me gain and understanding on the effects these methods can give as well as how to work with them efficiently and appropriately regarding the product. Knowing which methods gives which outcomes has allowed me to choose what to use for my products in a more efficient manner.

1.     3).  What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel that my print and web and print briefs are some of the best pieces of work I have made. I feel I am better at utilising what is available to me better which has effected my work in a very positive way. I think that the experimentation and testing I completed early on in the year set me up wel for both of these briefs.

.4).  What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I really found it hard to get in to the web side of the module. To start with, I am not the best at working with numbers and new technical software as it does take a long time for me to take in and understand such intricate information. I feel that the time we had learning this with in studio workshops was not long enough for me personally, so I did not do as well on this side of the module as I would have liked. I did get frustrated to easily when trying out and working with new software as I knew what I wanted to create however my lack of skill and patience didn’t let me do so.
I did enjoy the creative/designing aspect of web design, coming up with layouts and navigational tools and would like to do more of this in the future, yet I feel with coding I would need a lot more time and help to be able to utilise the software appropriately and properly.
Because I enjoyed the print based work a lot more and felt I was going somewhere with it than I the web, I neglected this side of the module more than I should and I feel that my overall outcome suffered because of this.
I feel I need to get better at finding a balance between all of the projects running at the same time so I don’t get behind on some tasks.

5).  Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

I really need to be stricter with my self and make sure I blog my progress as I go. This is always an issue for me and I still feel like im not spreading my time efficiently causing a lot of stress toward the end of a module.

Regarding web I feel I need to speak up and ask for help when I am struggling to understand and use the Dreamweaver software. This way I would be able to gain a better understanding with this extra help, which in turn may help me to be more motivated to work on a web-design.

I feel that its heard to factor this in but, were possible try and aim to be finished a few days earlier than the deadline. This would allow time to put anything right anything that may go wrong and would give me some leeway if anything un-planned happens or if something does not go the way I initially thought it would.

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