Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Design Boards / Workshop

4 / 2 / 13

In todays session we were asked to bring in 5 design sheets that are based on the research material we had accumulated over the OUGD505 research brief.

I had chosen the subject of chocolate. Here are the design boards I had created to present to the group. While presenting I talked about the interesting information I had found out as del as ideas on how I could push this further.

The group seemed understanding of the topic and the things i had found so far.

They suggested that as well as looking at possible ways into the product and packaging side of the subject, I could look into the more scientific processes of the creation and ways in which this could be communicated graphically and intriguingly in a form of possible information and way finding.

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After the lunch break we started talking about the way in which you should and should not create your design boards based on finished and proposed products. To do this we used the design boards previously created for the recent hand in of Print & Web.

What to not put on Design boards:

- Too much text ( too much to read can put of the reader and distract the from their understanding of your concepts and content.

- Irrelevant information (Unimportant imagery and text).

- Too big a font (Make sure your body copy is at an appropriate size, around 10 - 14 pt size).

- Smudges and Stains (Make sure design sheets are clean and try to avoid printing marks or finger smudges to show professional thought and care).

- Do not use pixelated imagery (this can hinder understanding).

What to put on Design Boards:

- Your name, The Project name and module code.

- Number your boards (So the viewer can follow you work and thought processes accordingly).

- Were appropriate, development sketches and Ideas.

- Proposals for further development / Were you concept could lead.

- A clear and clinical layout that is balanced and easy to take in.

- Spell checked content

We were then asked to swap our design boards with the person sitting next to us. With the other persons work, check for the rules a move and whether they have been met or not.

We then received or work back to see what we had done properly and what we had not.

**** IMAGES HERE ****

From the feedback I received, in the future i need to make sure that:

- My name and module information present on my boards. 

- I be make sure imagery is arranged appropriately on the page.

- Think about the stock I have used as well as trimming the edges don't to keep the sheets neat.

- Make sure I check my spelling thoroughly.

- Keep text and images aligned to help the page appear balanced.

*  *  *  * 

We then did the same thing using the design boards we have created regarding the new OUGD505 brief.

The feedback I received suggested:

- Primary and secondary sources with short but informative explanations.

- Be careful with the amount of text on the history page, may not be necessary to include too much on this particular aspect.

- Make sure the images are aligned properly.

- make sure your boards are numbered so the reader can follow an order.

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