Thursday 5 December 2013

Design for Print / Options for Packaging

3 / 12 / 13

To get an idea of what type of colours I would like to use for my box. I know the type of box i would like to use and to have a belly band label to keep the box fastened. 

I started to look at physical examples comparing stock t see what combinations work better. i started to do this on the computer instead to make the process quicker.

I want the logo to be foiled as an example to this printing process. I felt that the logo along with its background looked a little bare were as i wanted it to be more intriguing and inviting.

Because of this i decided to add teaxture to the logo in a similar way i have used for personal work in the past. i know that this works well when foiled and will add excitement to the product.

 I tried differing the shape of the sash to make it fit around the logo to see how this would look.

Im not really fond of this shape as I feel it resembles a watch.

Black foil on black  /  Silver foil on black

Silver foil on White - Grey board box  /  Silver foil on light purple - Grey board box

Silver foil on black  - Grey board box  /  Silver foil on grey board - Black box

Gold foil on grey board - Black box /  Gold foil on black - White box

Gold foil on White - grey board box  /  Silver foil on light purple - black box

While looking at these possibilities and also looking back through the test I had carried out early on in the project I think I prefer black stock with either silver or gold foil. I way to use greybeard for the making of my box and i think that black stock will go will as the belly band.

*  *  *  *

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