Monday 13 January 2014

Print & Web / Proposed Webpage

12 / 1 / 14

I wanted my web page to work as an achieve rather than a page that has multiple sub sites. I started to draw up possible layouts through thumbnails.

I looked at how I could list the members on the archive while still remaining consistent with the printed work. I defiantly thought that a landing page was appropriate for this type of web page as it would tell the audience what the archive is rather then heading straight into a wall of images.
 I also looked at creating profiles for each individual members.
I feel that having a recent photo of a member could be submitted by a member. To notify them on what this system is there would be information on it with in catalogs and other promotional material that would be supplied through post offices, supermarket and care homes. i think having a leaflet with in the luxury gift box wold also be a good idea as this could have a specific code given that means that only legitimate members can apply to be a part of the scheme.

As well as a recent photo of them selves I also thought that having the member submit information on themselves such as the date of their birth and the place of their birth. i don't want to ask for too intrusive information, however I feel that having them give us a memory, story of moment in their life that they would like to share with us.

I think that this would be a nice inclusion to the archive not only for those who may find it interesting and inspiring to read from those that have experienced so much, but also for the member telling us about things that are important to them. i feel this would gig them a lovely sense of importance were the feel regarded and interesting to others.

As well as all this, if this was available i thought about asking for not just a recent photo but also an older image from the history from when they were younger. Whether this be a wedding picture, birthday party or just a simp family image.

I started to visualise my ideas using computer software to create more realistic thumbnails.

I think that this landing page works the best. I feel that it need the crest at the top so it is recognised straight away and it also breaks up the page so it does not just look like a full page of type.
I have used the colour closest to gold I could get as well as a whit background and Baskerville Type. This is to make sure the aesthetics are recognisable to the printed memorabilia. 

I started looking at how the archive of members would look.

 I looked at using a different background colour, but this did not work very well.

I started to simulate they way in which I wanted the profiles to emerge from the wall of images in the archive.
Hover and select

 Selected image grows and appears to move to the front of the screen. surround screen grows darker to bring full attention to the selected profile.

Information starts to apear in the empty space on the right hand side of the image.

I also thought about having the photograph as a gradual roll over photograph that would change from the older photograph to the newer one.

I think that this system would work very well. i would also have a search engine embedded in to the page to make it easier to search for a specific person of interest.

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