Saturday, 29 March 2014

Responsive / Eshkim / Evaluation


Overall I really enjoyed working on this brief. At times it was difficult working with the client as they are friends and I didn't want me doing this for them harm that. The only hiccup with the client was at one point in the process when they started to go off on a tangent asking about a different business card design according to something they had seen on a webpage I has sent to show and explain the print process as well as it being a possible place to order the business cards. Fortunately this issue resolved its self after i got chance to finish and present all the components of the identity I had created. Other than this, I was happy with the freedom i got to create the aesthetics of this brand and i also feel that i impressed client with the further development proposals such as the sample pack and the online presence.

The client it still in the process of establishing links with possible bottle makers and sellers so the labelling is still In the process of negotiation. i have tent the designs for the business cards over to the client and he was going to investigate into the availability of letterpress printing over there.

Regarding the development of my work I feel that I worked efficiently considering the work load at the time. I also think that my ideas developed and adapted well to the brief and I was able to cancel out irrelevant or unsuccessful designs quite quickly (with help from the group crits). I also enjoyed taking designs that perhaps didn't forefill the ethos I was trying to go for and adapting them until I got an out come I was happy with and that I felt was appropriate to the aesthetics of the brand.

I feel I am more confident when taking on peoples concepts and idea and then making them into something that works for the product. I feel I am now more considerate to the not so obvious aspects of the process such as stock and print choices and also how these can be beneficial to the product and its ethos.

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