Sunday 6 April 2014

Responsive / Need Company 1 / Proposed Design

7 / 3 / 14

These are the images I sent off to Need company to show the concept and design i had come up with for there business cards and added on further development if they would wish to take this aesthetic further into that brand.

The client was very happy with the finished out come also I sent the designs to him via email were he can then get them printed on bulk there.

Back of the Business card.

Front of the Business cards.


I enjoyed this brief due to the fact that Branding and identity is something that I find rewarding. I really like creating an aesthetic that can run through a range of formats and I feel that i have achieved this for the Need4sale brand. At first I thought that working with an existing logo would be difficult and i didnt particularly like it, however i found that it gave me something to work with rather than around.

I feel that the outcome that i have created its subtle but appealinging with the imagery in the background addind texture. The white of the background is clean which is a good reflection of the brand its self though the constuction and design they create. The simplicity of the visual also makes the stationary work-able as it does not hinder the information being given. The business cards can also be printed in bulk cheaply onto basic stock which is food for business however the design still portrays quality and proffesionalism.

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