Thursday 27 March 2014

Studio Brief 2 / Group session / Development of ideas


During this session we were asked to take part in tasks that would help us to get a better grasp on the studio 2 project and help to decipher direction.

The first task was to write down words that came into our heads when thinking about the research taken out through our research publications. 

We then marked out which words from this list we felt were the most important when it came to the project.

Regarding the different techniques that are available to us when carrying out this project, We were asked to come up with a few that we felt would be suiting for this brief.
We then marked out which process we felt had the most use and suitability concerning our projects.

We then listed things that we thought would be suitable to produce in response to our individual briefs and then marked out the once we felt were the most relevant and doable.

We looked at the possible audiences that could come into contact with what it is we want to produce and why.

We also listed the 2 areas of graphic design we thought most appropriate for or subject and concept. i feel that Product and Packaging and Branding and Identity are the most appropriate fro what I am wanting to achieve.

I felt that this helped me to define my concept and really got me thinking about what I could do for this project. Straight after this session, while these ideas were still in my head, I made my own list.

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