Sunday, 13 April 2014

Responsive / 99 Designs / Shoal Wine

2 / 4 / 14

I saw this competition up on the 99 designs website and I like the look of it do to the fact that I had not yet completed a competition brief that was based on product and packaging. Even though I had a little experience through the Eshkim brief on working with a bottled liquid, I hadn’t done anything based on wine or any other alcoholic beverage.

Because of the other projects I have going on at the minute, I only want to spend up to two days maximum on this project so I will have to work at a quicker pace than usual when generating ideas, developing these ideas and then executing a final design.

I experimented with different typography styles to come up with a possible combination that could work for the creation of this brand. I do like the sans serif fonts that are aligned down the middle. I think they are a simple aesthetic that could go well with bolder colours.

With in the brief, the competition holder made the suggestion of having his you sons finger or thumb print incorporated in the design. Even though it is stated that this is just a suggestion, I felt that the fact that it has been brought up by the person who will decide the winner of the competition means a design that does have this aspect included may be preferred in the long run.

I also liked the fact that this would also give me a focal point and something to work with rather than approaching a design cold.

To save my self time I downloaded an ai file from the internet so I did not have to draw out the print myself (it is stated in the brief that this is acceptable and if a fingerprint based deign is chosen, the authentic print can be added at a later date).

I tried with a script font as I felt it matched the illustrative, hand rendered example this competition holder had added to the brief as a guide of inspiration to what he was looking for. I also thought that this would fit the inclusion of an actual fingerprint.

I played around with a existing typeface called ‘Dragon is Coming’. I liked the way the s looped back to the front of the letter form and exaggerated this slightly so the loo reached the end letter of Shoal.

 I then used the space created by this adjustment to apply the rest of the name. I tried out different typefaces to complete the name.

This is my favourite combination out of the typefaces I have tried. After deciding on the type, I then looked int ways I could then apply the print imagery.

 Having the type and image together did not really work s the shapes were to awkward and would not sit right.

 Playing with opacities and the overlapping of each aspect worked a lot better. I started to experiment with possibility a little further.

 I downloaded a mock up file on the internet to apply my designs onto because they can then be visualised in a real life sense and I can get a feel of how a label would work when sat on a curved surface.

 I started to apply designs but the fingerprint its self is too detailed to sit on the bottle on its own. Because of this i started to look at a fuller label. i think sticking with something that is a simple form of labelling is better for the company as it is only a small scale company and will not want to overspend on packaging.

 I really like the print over a darker background and it has a mystery about it and make it a subtle feature rather than a focal point. I like the vibrancy of the pink over the blue because the navy is not to harsh.

I altered the shape slightly to shape around the print in order to enhance it slightly but I don't really like this shape of label. I also added in some other type that states the type of wine as well as the origins. The yellow also pops from the darker background but differentiates from the logo.

I also applied the yellow type to the lid label with the information on the origin.

I also tried applying the print to the lid of the bottle but because of the scale all you could make out was the texture. Even though this kind of happened by accident I do like the aesthetic given.

 I tried applying this texture to the full bottle label an really liked the outcome. I think it creates a kind of pattern that gives the option of having the symbol of a thumbprint subtle 
and not too obvious.

I looked at using different colours other than the once I had been using to get an idea.

I tried the yellow type on the pink as a background colour and though this was a really good combination. I think it gives the brand a boldness that is eye-catching but because the layout and type is simple its not too over the top.


I also played with the layout for the lid sticker to show the origin of the wine and an added bit of decoration.

I reverted back to my original design so I could define it as well as look at how the labels would work on different types of wine. i think its important to look at the colour of the product as this can have a big impact on the design and colour of the label.

I have decided that I am going to submit both of the designs I have done so far so I need to make sure that both are ready. it had taken me more time than anticipated to create and mock up my work so I need to start making decisions so as not to take up to much time.

 In my opinion i think the darker colour label works better on the darker wine and I think that it suits the taste and muskyness of red wine also and is therefor more fitting. Then i think that pink on the white wine is also fitting as light wine are usually zestier in flavour and this is represented through the vibrant pink colour.

For the patterned version I also lengthened the label slightly because i think this gave a more elegant aesthetic and showed of the fingerprint patter a little more.

Now I have decided the design I want to used i am going to make the final mock up so I can submit to the competition.

This is the final image I am going to submit as well as images of the individual bottles.
 I am really happy with the way in which these designs have turned out and even thug they are suitable for the brief given i think that they are also a good portrayal of the type of design i like to do. They a simple and clean yet bold and i rethink this will help when standing out on a shelf.

The design that uses the thumb print as a pattern offers a solution that does not take the idea of a thumb print to liturally and means that that the tpe based logo can also be used on its own when it comes to other printed parifanailier.

Because this is a smaller brief compared to others, I made sure I planned my time eficientlty and did not take to long in creating a successful design. I also made sure I factored in the time it takes to mock up a design as this can often take longer than expected.

For a little further development I applied the aesthetics created for the packaging for some possible business cards. This is to show the potential of the design and how it can be made use of in different way to promote and maintain the brand.

*  *  *  * 

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