Saturday 19 April 2014

Responsive / Wedding invites / Evaluation

29 / 3 / 14

I really liked working on this brief as the client was very good in letting me have a near free rein on the design after she had given me her preferences and ideas. I enjoyed taking her thoughts and concepts and then making them into a physical piece of work that will be used to serve a purpose. I also liked the fact that this invitation is not your typical invite as half of it works as a notice and the other half works as a the actual invite. Making these two aspects work together added to the challenge however I felt that the finished product is successful in doing this. Being able to also use a differing print process in foiling adds a hint of class and symbolises the special day.

This was the first time I had actually sent off anything to be printed else were due to the number of components with in the invite as well as bulk number of each needed. I was actually very happy with the results and makes confident in doing something like this in the future if need. 

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